- Доц.М.А.Др.
- Хоссеин Зеиналзадех Табризи
- Айыл чарба факультети
- Мөмө-жемиш жана талаа өсүмдүктөрү бөлүмү
- h.zeynelzade@manas.edu.kg
Тил билүү деңгээли
A1: Beginner A2: Elementary B1: Pre-Intermediate B2: Intermediate C1: Upper-Intermediate C2: Advanced
Илимий багыттары
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Илимий даражалары
Берген сабактары
BTB-512 Техникалык өсүмдүктөрдүн селекциясы
BTB-469 Дары чөптөр жана жыпар жыттуу өсүмдүктөр
BTB-460 Тоют өсүмдүктөрү
BTB-454 Булалуу өсүмдүктөр
BTB-451 Кант жана крахмал өсүмдүктөрү
BTB-362 Май өсүмдүктөрү
BTB-361 Чанактуу өсүмдүктөр
STJ-352 Практика ii (кесиптик-өндүрүштүк практика)
ZRF-351 Агрономиядагы илимий изилдөө негиздери
ZRF-156 Биометрия
FBE-505 Айыл чарба маалыматтарын талдоо ыкмалары
BTB-452 Квалификациялык бүтүрүү иши ii (юндүрүштүк практика i
BTB-414 Долбоор даярдоо техникасы
BKO-410 Айыл чарба юндүрүшүн башкаруу жана маркетинг
BTB-409 Крахмал жана кант юсүмдүктюрү
BTB-401 Шалбаа жана жайыт юсүмдүктюрүн башкаруу
BTB-303 Юсүмдүктюрдүн селекциясы
STJ-252 Практика i (илимий практика)
BKO-211 Статистика
BTB-513 Өсүмдүктөрдүн уруктануу биологиясы
BTB-510 Тереңдетилген өсүмдүк биотехнологиясы
BTB-406 Дары дармек жана жыпар жыттуу юсүмдүктюр
BTB-306 Май юсүмдүктюрү
BTB-251 Өсүмдүктөрдүн генетикасы
Административдик кызматтары
Жетекчилык кылган диссертация темалары
SCI, SCI-E, SSCI жана AHCI индекстүү журналдарда басылган макалалары
- H.H.Maleki, R.Darvishzadeh, H.Z.TABRİZİ. (2024). Identification of Resistance Sources Against Orobanche Cernua in Tobacco Germplasm. Journal of Crop Health, 76(3), 701–711. DOI: 10.1007/s10343-024-00987-9. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:001226816200001.
- H.H.Maleki, H.R.Pouralibaba, R.Ghiasi, F.Mahmodi, N.Sabaghnia, S.Samadi, H.Z.TABRİZİ, Y.R.Danesh, B.Farda, M.Pellegrini. (2024). Exploring Resistant Sources of Chickpea against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris in Dryland Areas. AGRICULTURE, 14(6), 824. DOI: 10.3390/agriculture14060824. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:001254918800001.
- H.H.Maleki, B.Vaezi, A.Jozeyan, A.Mirzaei, R.Darvishzadeh, S.Dashti, H.Abdi, H.Z.TABRİZİ. (2024). Deciphering genotype-by-environment interaction of grass pea genotypes under rain-fed conditions and emphasizing the role of monthly rainfall. BMC Plant Biology, 24(24), 559. DOI: 10.1186/s12870-024-05256-5. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:001256154000002.
- H.A.Oghan, B.Bakhshi, V.Rameeh, H.Z.TABRİZİ, A.Faraji, G.Ghodrati, H.R.Fanaei, A.Askari, D.Kiani, K.Payghamzadeh, H.Sadeghi, A.K.Danaei, N.Kazerani, M.A.A.N.Afrouzi, A.Dalili. (2024). Comparative study of univariate and multivariate selection strategies based on an integrated approach applied to oilseed rape breeding. Crop Science, 64, 55-73. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.21104. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:001092241500001.
- H.Z.TABRİZİ. (2024). ASSESSMENT OF HERITABILITY AND GENETIC EFFICIENCY IN ADVANCED SESAME INBRED LINES. Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 34(2), 2309-8694. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36899/JAPS.2024.2.0737. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:001196244000021.
- B.Bakhshi, H.A.Oghan, V.Rameeh, H.Z.TABRİZİ, A.Askari, A.Faraji, G.Ghodrati, H.R.Fanaei, A.K.Danaei, N.Kazerani, K.Payghamzadeh, D.Kiani, H.Sadeghi, F.Shariati, A.Dalili, M.A.A.N.Afrouzi. (2023). Trait profiling and genotype selection in oilseed rape using genotype by trait and genotype by yieldtrait approaches. FOOD SCIENCE & NUTRITION, 11(00), 3083–3095. DOI: 10.1002/fsn3.3290. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000939875100001.
- H.Z.TABRİZİ. (2023). Heritability, genetic advance and sequential path analysis of oil yield and related traits in spring oilseed rape genotypes. Journal of Elementology, 28(4), 899-916. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5601/jelem.2023.28.1.2370. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:001111308100003.
- H.H.Maleki, R.Mohammadi, F.Firouzkuhi, R.Darvishzadeh, H.Z.TABRİZİ. (2023). Molecular evidence depicts genetic divergence among Agropyron elongatum and A. cristatum accessions from gene pool of Iran. PloS ONE, 18(11), e0294694. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0294694. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:001139775100103.
- M.Göre, H.Z.TABRİZİ, O.Kurt. (2023). Correlation and sequential path analysis of oil yield and related characteristics in camelina under seasonal variations. OCL - Oilseeds and fats, Crops and Lipids, 30(2), 1. DOI: 10.1051/ocl/2022035. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000907827300001.
Башка журналдарда басылган макалалары
- S.A.Askari, M.N.Esfahani, K.Shirazi, A.N.Esfahani, H.Z.TABRİZİ, M.Mohammadi. (2024). Unveiling Genetic Variation in Garlic Genotypes in Response to Rust Disease Using RAPD Marker. OBM Genetics, 8(2), 231. https://www.lidsen.com/journals/genetics/genetics-08-02-231.
- M.Gholamhoseini, H.Z.TABRİZİ, S.A.Andarkhor, S.Mansouri, F.Shariati, F.Parchami-Araghi. (2024). The Effect of Planting Arrangement and Plant Density on the Yield of Non-dehiscent Sesame in Sari and Moghan. Journal of Plant Production Research, 31(1), 171-188. https://doi.org/10.22069/jopp.2023.21410.3045.
- S.Mirzaei, M.Chehrazi, H.Z.TABRİZİ. (2024). Exploring Growth Responses and Performance of Endemic Iranian Narcissus Genotypes. Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology, 14(2), 5003-5015. https://doi.org/10.71551/ijpp.2024.1025825.
- H.Jabbari, H.Z.TABRİZİ, M.B.Valipour, F.Shariati, E.H.Ebrahimi. (2024). Investigating the agronomic traits of winter canola in seeding and transplanting systems with different plant densities under delayed cultivation conditions. Journal of Applied Crop Research, 35(4), 25-48. 10.22092/aj.2024.363076.1656.
- H.Z.TABRİZİ, H.A.Oghan, V.Rameeh, A.Faraji, R.Behmaram, N.Kazerani, H.R.Fanaei, E.K.Ahmadi, S.R.Ozan, S.Kia, A.Rezaeizad, K.Payghamzadeh, A.K.Danaei, B.Alizadeh, M.Asgari, B.Behmanesh, Sh.F.Asgarkhanloo, M.Taghizadeh, M.J.Navaeb, V.Alavi, H.Sadeghi, M.Bagheri, F.P.Araghi, R.Adiban, M.Passandideh. (2024). Aram, new high yield spring open-pollinated oilseed rape cultivar suitable for warm regions of Iran. Research Achievements for Field and Horticultural Crops, 12(2), 145-163. https://rafhc.areeo.ac.ir/article_131017.html?lang=en.
- F.Samadzadeh, A.Pirzad, H.Z.TABRİZİ. (2023). Effect of Plant Pattern and Density on Morphological Characteristics and Yield-Related Traits of Non-Dehiscent Sesame Cultivar. Journal of Crops Improvement, 25(1), 51-63. https://doi.org/10.22059/jci.2022.334457.2686.
- B.Bakhshi, H.A.Oghan, V.Rameeh, H.R.Fanaei, A.Askari, A.Faraji, G.Ghodrati, H.Z.TABRİZİ, K.Payghamzadeh, D.Kiani, H.Sadeghi, N.Kazerani, A.K.Danaei, A.Dalili, M.A.A.N.Afrouzi. (2023). Analysis of genotype by environment interaction to identify high-yielding and stable oilseed rape genotypes using the GGE-biplot model. Ecological Genetics and Genomics, 28(1), 100187. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egg.2023.100187.
- M.Passandideh, M.Rajaie, H.Z.TABRİZİ. (2023). Effect of some plant growth biostimulants on increasing canola (Brassica napus L.) tolerance to drought stress. Environmental Stresses in Crop Sciences, 15(4), 1023-1035. https://escs.birjand.ac.ir/article_2188.html?lang=en.
- S.H.Shojaei, K.Mostafavi, I.Ansarifard, M.R.Bihamta, H.Z.TABRİZİ, A.Omrani, M.Gore, S.M.N.Mousavi. (2023). Comparison of genotype × trait and genotype × yield-trait biplots in Sunflower cultivars. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Food Sciences, 7(1), 136-147. https://doi.org/10.31015/jaefs.2023.1.17.
- H.Z.TABRİZİ, A.Hosseinpour, M.Ghaffari, K.Haliloglu. (2022). Genetic structure and marker-trait associations in parental lines of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology, 12(1), 3955-3971. 10.30495/ijpp.2021.1933502.1340.
- F.Samadzadeh, A.Pirzad, H.Z.TABRİZİ. Effect of planting pattern and plant density on oil quality of non-dehiscent sesame cultivar. 5th Biology Payame Noor University Conference , 2024. https://conference.pnu.ac.ir/Fars-biological/.
- H.Z.TABRİZİ, S.Mansouri. Simultaneous Selection For Early Maturity And High Yield In Advanced Sesame Lines. V. INTERNATIOANL APPLIED STATISTICS CONGRESS, 2024. https://www.uyik.org/.
- H.Z.TABRİZİ. Inappropriate Applications Of Statistical Methods In Agricultural Research: Challenges Of Violating Assumptions In Variance Analysis, Regression Analysis, And Mean Comparison Methods. V. INTERNATIOANL APPLIED STATISTICS CONGRESS, 2024. https://www.uyik.org/.
- A.Barghi, A.Omrani, H.Z.TABRİZİ. Changes in the physiological characteristics of wheat with the application of growth-promoting bacteria and zinc sulfate fertilizer. International Symposium “Microorganisms and the Biosphere (Microbios-2023)", 2023. https://microbios2023.manas.edu.kg/en.
- A.Barghi, A.Omrani, H.Z.TABRİZİ. Yield and yield components of wheat as affected by plant growthpromoting bacteria and zinc sulphate fertilizer under drought stress conditions. International Symposium “Microorganisms and the Biosphere (Microbios-2023)", 2023. https://microbios2023.manas.edu.kg/en.
- V.Rameeh, A.Faraji, H.Z.TABRİZİ. The Science of Oilseed Rape Production in Iran. Iran University Press. Root and stem development. https://iup.ac.ir/product/%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%B4-%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%84%DB%8C%D8%AF-%DA%A9%D9%84%D8%B2%D8%A7-%D8%AF%D8%B1-%D8%A7%DB%8C%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%AC%D9%84%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%88%D9%84/.
- Х.З.Табризи, А.Дурсун, Х.Х.Малеки, Ж.Өзбекова, М.Гөре, С.С.Масоолех, С.Бобушова, В.Исаева, Т.Эсенали Уулу. Ар кандай биологиялык жер семирткичтердин кургакчылык стресс шарттарында өскөн майдык жана чагылуучу күн карама (Helianthus annuus L.) сортторунун сандык жана сапаттык касиеттерине тийгизген таасирин аныктоо. KTMU-BAP-2023.FB.08.
- А.Дурсун, Х.З.Табризи, М.Жаанбаев, О.Дурал, М.Өжал. Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi Türk Dünyası Botanik Bahçesi Yapısal ve Bitkisel Peyzaj Tasarım Uygulamaları. R.30.2023/YID-19864.