- Проф.Др.
- Эржан Челик
- Табигый илимдер факультети
- Колдонмо математика жана информатика бөлүмү
- ercan.celik@manas.edu.kg
Тил билүү деңгээли
A1: Beginner A2: Elementary B1: Pre-Intermediate B2: Intermediate C1: Upper-Intermediate C2: Advanced
Илимий багыттары
Математика, Колдонмо математика
Илимий даражалары
Берген сабактары
MAT-627 Сызыктуу эмес дифференц-ык теңдем-ин тандалма темалары
MAT-625 Айрым туундулуу дифференц-ык теңдем.сандык методдору
MAT-407 Математикалык моделдөө
UME-401 Математикалык моделдөө
UME-301 Айрым туундулуу теңдемелер i
UME-207 Каржы математикасы
UME-203 Дифференциалдык теңдемелер i
UME-101 Математикалык анализ i
MAT-642 Чектелген элементтер ыкмасы
MAT-614 Тереңдетилген сандык анализ
UME-452 Квалификациялык бүтүрүү иши ii
UME-451 Квалификациялык бүтүрүү иши i
UME-407 Математикалык моделдюю
MAT-332 Айрым туундулуу дифференциалдык теңдемелер ii
UME-244 Ыктымалдыктар теориясы жана математикалык статистика
UME-234 Ыктымалдыктар теориясы жана математикалык статистика
UME-204 Дифференциалдык теңдемелер ii
FBE-800 Магистрдик диссертация
MAT-521 Дифференциалдык теңдемелердин тереңдетилген курсу
MAT-502 Илим изилдөө практикасы
MAT-500 Магистрдик диссертация
UME-416 Айрым туундулуу дифф.теңдемелерди сандык чыгаруу
UME-352 Колдонмо графтар теориясы
UME-335 Сандык анализ i
UME-332 Айрым туундулуу теңдемелер ii
MAT-530 Интегралдык теңдемердин системалары
MAT-234 Дифференциалдык теңдемелер ii
Административдик кызматтары
Жетекчилык кылган диссертация темалары
SCI, SCI-E, SSCI жана AHCI индекстүү журналдарда басылган макалалары
- N.Y.Aksoy, E.ÇELİK, M.Zengin. (2024). A Necessary Optimality Condition on the Control of a Charged Particle. Symettry, Symmetry 2024(16), 637. DOI: 10.3390/sym16060637. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:001255922900001.
- A.Fidan, E.PİŞKİN, E.ÇELİK. (2024). Existence,Decay,andBlow-upofSolutionsforaWeighted m-BiharmonicEquationwithNonlinearDampingand SourceTerms. Journal of Function Spaces, Volume 2024( ID 5866792), 1-8. DOI: 10.1155/2024/5866792. -.
- A.O.Akdemir, s.Aslan, M.A.Dokuyucu, E.ÇELİK. (2023). Exponentially Convex Functions on the Coordinates and Novel Estimations via Riemann-Liouville Fractional Operator. Journal of functional spaces, 2023(ID4310880), 1-9. DOI: 10.1155/2023/4310880. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000965994100004.
- A.Aykut, E.ÇELİK. (2023). The Consecutive Substitution Method for Boundary Value Problems (BVPs) with Retarded Argument. JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 12 Apr 2023(ID3226604), 1-5. DOI: 10.1155/2023/3226604. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000974779000001.
- S.Ş.Ş.KILIÇ, E.ÇELİK, H.Bulut. (2023). Solitary wave solutions to some nonlinear conformable partial diferential equations. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 55(-), 695. DOI: 10.1007/s11082-023-04983-7. -.
- E.ÇELİK, R.Najafi, N.Uyanık. (2023). Invariant Solutions and Conservation Laws of the Time-Fractional Telegraph Equation. Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2023(Article ID 1294070), 1294070. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/1294070. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:001065031500001.
- N.YILMAZ, E.PİŞKİN, E.ÇELİK. (2023). Well-Posedness and Blow-Up of Solutions for a Variable Exponent Nonlinear Petrovsky Equation. Advances in Mathematical Physics, Volume 2023(Article ID 8866861), 8866861. DOI: 10.1155/2023/8866861. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:001112438200001.
- N.Y.AKSOY, E.ÇELİK, M.ZENGİN. (2022). On optimal control of a charged particle in a varying electromagnetic field. WAVES IN RANDOM AND COMPLEX MEDIA, -(-), -. DOI: 10.1080/17455030.2022.2142695. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000881378000001.
- N.M.Lanbaran, E.ÇELİK, Ö.KOTAN. (2022). Using Fuzzy-Rough Subset Evaluation for Feature Selection and Naive Bayes to Classify the Parkinson’s Disease. MISKOLC MATHEMATICAL NOTES, 23(2), 787-800. DOI: 10.18514/MMN.2022.3855. -.
- S.Ş.Ş.KILIÇ, E.ÇELİK. (2022). Complex solutions to the higher-order nonlinear boussinesq type wave equation transform. Ricerche di Matematica (A Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics), -(-), -. DOI: 10.1007/s11587-022-00698-1. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000791645500001.
- T.Yazgan, E.İlhan, E.ÇELİK, H.Bulut. (2022). On the new hyperbolic wave solutions to Wu-Zhang system models. OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 54(5), 298. DOI: 10.1007/s11082-022-03683-y. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000783044000010.
- A.ENGİN, Y.SARAÇ, E.ÇELİK. (2022). ON OPTIMAL CONTROL OF THE INITIAL VELOCITY OF AN EULER-BERNOULLI BEAM SYSTEM. THERMAL SCIENCE, 22(2), 735-744. DOI: 10.2298/TSCI22S2735E. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000921231700025.
- H.GÜNDÜZ, E.ÇELİK. (2022). H-infinity-NORM EVALUATION FOR A TRANSFER MATRIX VIA BISECTION ALGORITHM. THERMAL SCIENCE, 22(2), 745-751. DOI: 10.2298/TSCI22S2745G . https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000921231700026.
Башка журналдарда басылган макалалары
- N.Mirzabekova, E.ÇELİK. (2024). The Analitical Solution of Linear and Non-Linear DifferentialAlgebraic Equations (DAEs) with Laplace-Padé Series Method . MANAS Journal of Engineering, 12(1), 129-134. https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/mjen/issue/85207.
- D.Arslan, E.ÇELİK. (2024). An approximate solution of singularly perturbed problem on uniform mesh. An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications, 14(1), 74-80. https://ijocta.org/index.php/files/article/view/1414/446.
- H.GÜNERHAN, M.K.A.Kaabar, E.ÇELİK. (2023). Novel Analytical and Approximate-Analytical Methods for Solving the Nonlinear Fractional Smoking Mathematical Model. Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 41(2), 331-343. DOI: 10.14744/sigma.2021.00073. https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000983868500004.
- N.Y.Aksoy, E.ÇELİK, M.E.Dadaş. (2023). The solvability of the optimal control problem for a nonlinearSchrödinger equation. An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications, 13(2), 269-276. -.
- T.YAZGAN, G.YEL, E.ÇELİK, H.BULUT. (2023). On Survey of the Some Wave Solutions of the Non-Linear Schrödinger Equation (NLSE) in Infinite Water Depth. Gazi Journal of Engineering Sciences, 36(2), 819-843. -.
- E.ÇELİK, N.YALÇIN. (2023). A new approach for the bigeometric newton method. MANAS Journal of Engineering , 11(2), 235-240 . https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/mjen/issue/81663/1372839.
- E.ÇELİK, Ö.KOTAN. (2022). The Solution of Linear Volterra Integral Equation of the First Kind with Aboodh Transform. Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics, 7(1), 1-9. file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/JACM-2022-7-1.15580.pdf.
- M.Z.KAYA, E.ÇELİK, M.KARABACAK. Solution of Fractional Order Partial Differential Equations with Hosoya Neural Network. The Eighth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering, 2024. DOI: -. https://www.cmescongress.org.
- H.GÜNDÜZ, M.Karabacak, E.ÇELİK. The Computation of H-infinity Norm of Transfer Functions of Linear DAEs via Two-Step Method. The Eighth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering, 2024. DOI: -. https://www.cmescongress.org.
- E.ÇELİK, H.Gündüz, M.Karabacak. Computing of H∞-Norm of Transfer Functions of DAEs by Extended Balanced Singular Perturbation. The Seventh International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineerin, 2023. https://www.cmescongress.org/.
- E.ÇELİK, N.Mirzabekova. The Solution of Bonlinear Chemical Akzo Nobel Problem Modeled as Differential-Algebraic Equations(DAEs) with Laplace-Padé Series Method. The Seventh International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineerin, 2023. https://www.cmescongress.org/.
- E.ÇELİK, N.Y.Aksoy, M.Zengin. The Necessary Optimality Condition On a Control Problem fort the Schrödinder Equation. The Seventh International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineerin, 2023. https://www.cmescongress.org/.
- E.ÇELİK, M.Z.Kaya, M.Karabacak. Solutions of Partial Differential Equations with Hosoya Neural Network. The Seventh International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineerin, 2023. https://www.cmescongress.org/.
- E.ÇELİK, E.Ilhan, M.Yigider, H.Bulut. Some New Solutions of Time Fractional Resonant Daveys- Tewartson Equations,. The Seventh International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineerin, 2023. https://www.cmescongress.org/.
- E.ÇELİK, N.M.LANBARAN, M.YİĞİDER. Quantum fuzzy based on deep reinforcement method for optimization of energy management systems. 7th International Conference on Mathematics: An Istanbul Meeting for World Math, 2023. https://icomath.com/?target=sayfalar&id=2.
- E.ÇELİK, E.KHODADADI, M.KARABACAK. A New Score Function Based on Pythagorean Fuzzy Set to Multiple Criteria Group Decision-Making. I. International Congress On Finance, Economy And Sustainable Policies (ICOFESP, 2023. DOI: -. https://www.kongreuzmani.com/site.html?https://icofesp.com.
- H.BULUT, U.DEMİRBİLEK, E.ÇELİK. Investigation of solitary wave solutions of a nonlinear mathematical model. TURK-COSE 2023 V. International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering, 2023. DOI: -. https://www.ohu.edu.tr/turk-cose-en.
- S.ESMER, E.ÇELİK. Ortaöğretim öğrencilerinin matematik dersine karşı tutumları üzerine bir araştırma. TURK-COSE 2023 V. International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering, 2023. DOI: -. https://www.ohu.edu.tr/turk-cose-en.
- A.Irmak, E.ÇELİK, S.Ş.Ş.Kılıç. On Solving the Heat Equation Using the Jacobi Method . TURK-COSE 2023 V. International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering, 2023. DOI: -. https://www.ohu.edu.tr/turk-cose-en.
- H.G.Yıldız, H.Günerhan, E.ÇELİK. Analytical approximate solution of fractional order SIR epidemic model. TURK-COSE 2023 V. International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering, 2023. https://www.ohu.edu.tr/turk-cose-en.
- N.Mirzabekova, E.ÇELİK. The numerical solution of higher order two point boundary value problems with Padé Series. TURK-COSE 2023 V. International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering, 2023. https://www.ohu.edu.tr/turk-cose-en.
- N.Yalçın, E.ÇELİK. Newton's method in bigeometric analysis. TURK-COSE 2023 V. International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering, 2023. https://www.ohu.edu.tr/turk-cose-en.
- M.Z.Kara, E.ÇELİK, M.Karabacak. Numerical solution of fractional order advection reaction diffusion equation with Hosoya neural network. TURK-COSE 2023 V. International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering, 2023. https://www.ohu.edu.tr/turk-cose-en.
- F.Düşünceli, E.ÇELİK. Fractional approach for diffusion equations arising in oil pollution using the efficient scheme. TURK-COSE 2023 V. International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering, 2023. https://www.ohu.edu.tr/turk-cose-en.
- S.Esmer, E.ÇELİK. A research on secondary students attitudes to mathematics course. TURK-COSE 2023 V. International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering, 2023. https://www.ohu.edu.tr/turk-cose-en.
- E.ÇELİK, H.Bulut, S.Ibrahim, T.A.Sulaiman, A.Yusuf. SOLUTIONS TO THE (N+1)-DIMENSIONAL NLSE EQUATION WİTH M-TRUNCATED DERIVATIVE. The Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering , 2022. https://2022.cmescongress.org/.
- E.ÇELİK, S.Ş.Ş.KILIÇ, H.Bulut. SOLUTION OF (2+1)-DIMENSIONAL QUANTUM ZAKHAROVKUZNETSOV EQUATIONS USING THE THE MODIFIED EXP(−Ω(ξ))-EXPANSION FUNCTION METHOD, . The Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering , 2022. https://2022.cmescongress.org/.
- E.ÇELİK, B.Karaağaç, A.Esen, E.Pindza. NUMERICAL DYNAMICS OF VARIABLE ORDER FRACTIONAL BENNEY-LIN EQUATION VIA FINITE ELEMENT COLLOCATION METHOD. The Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering , 2022. https://2022.cmescongress.org/.
- E.ÇELİK, E.Sefidgar, B.Shiri. COMPLEX TRANSFORM METHOD FOR SYSTEM OF FRACTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS. The Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering , 2022. https://2022.cmescongress.org/.
- E.ÇELİK, H.Gündüz. COMPUTATION OF H_∞-NORM OF A TRANSFER MATRIX VIA BISECTION ALGORİTHM. The Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering , 2022. https://2022.cmescongress.org/.
- E.ÇELİK, T.Tazğan, E.İlhan, H.Bulut. THE SINE-GORDON EXPANSION METHOD AND THE MODIFIED EXPANSION FUNCTION METHOD FOR NEW HYPERBOLIC WAVE SOLUTIONS OF WU-ZHANG SYSTEM MODELS. The Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering , 2022. https://2022.cmescongress.org/.
- E.ÇELİK, I.Okumus. THE GROUP LAWS ON THE ALGEBRAIC CURVES. The Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering , 2022. https://2022.cmescongress.org/.
- E.ÇELİK, N.Y.Aksoy, M.Zengin. AN OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEM FOR n-DIMENSIONAL SCHRODINGER EQUATION WITH SPECIFIC GRADIENT TERM. The Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering , 2022. https://2022.cmescongress.org/.
- E.ÇELİK, E.Khodadadi, M.Karabacak. PREDICTOR-CORRECTOR (m+1) −STEP METHOD FOR SOLVING FUZZY ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS BY USING THE INTERPOLATION OF FUZZY NUMBER. The Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering , 2022. https://2022.cmescongress.org/.
- E.ÇELİK, E.Khodadadi, M.Karabacak. NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF FUZZY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS BY TWO STEP MODIFIED SIMPSON RULE. The Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering , 2022. https://2022.cmescongress.org/.
- E.ÇELİK, A.Aykut. THE CONSECUTIVE SUBSTITUTION METHOD FOR THE BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM. The Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering , 2022. https://2022.cmescongress.org/.
- E.ÇELİK, N.Mirzabekova. The Solution of Linear and Non-Linear Differential-Algebraic Equations(DAEs) with Laplace-Padé Series Method. 6th International Conference on Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 2022. https://icanas.agri.edu.tr/.
- H.GÜNDÜz, E.ÇELİK, M.KARABACAK. A comparative view to H_∞-norm of transfer functions of linear DAEs. TURK-COSE 2023 V. International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering, 2003. https://www.ohu.edu.tr/turk-cose-en.
- Э.Челик, М.Карабажак, Н.Мирзабекова. Cызыктуу жана сызыктуу эмес дифференциалдык-алгебралык теңдемелер системасы түрдө моделденген физикалык жана химиялык маселелердин Лаплас-Паде катар ыкмасы менен аналитикалык же сандык чыгарылыштарын табуу. KTMU-BAP-2023.FB.02.
- Э.Челик, Х.Булут, У.Демирбилек, Э.Абылаева, С.Чолак, М.Э.Батухан. (2+1)-өлчөмдүү Параксиалдык толкун жана (4+1)-өлчөмдүү Фокас толкун теңдемелеринин дискреттүү М-бөлчөктөрүнүн динамикалык солитондук чечимдери . KTMU-BAP-2024.F8.20.
- Э.Челик, М.Карабажак, М.З.Кая, Э.Абылаева, С.Чолак, М.Э.Батухан. Хосоя нейрон тармактары менен жекече туундулуу дифференциалдык теңдемелерди чыгаруу. KTMU-BAP-2024.F8.19.